Friday, June 8, 2012

Innovation Day 2012

This year, our class participated in Innovation Day!  This was a project day... and each student got to decide what they wanted to learn and how they would share what they have learned with others.  The idea of Innovation Day comes from an Australian company's tradition known as Atlassian FedEx Day.  You can read about it on their website.  (There is a great TED video that discusses problem solving and creativity at that website, if you have a moment to watch it!)  For Innovation Day, each child gets to select a topic to learn more about.  They can really choose anything at all that 1) can be learned about in one day at school; and 2) they have to be able to create something original to show what they have learned.

Today, the students came in prepared to learn, collaborate, and create at school!  Parents, administrators, and teachers walked through our room as we we working on our projects.  At the end of the day, each student had created something to share what they had learned with others.  The sky really was the limit!

These are the projects the students created:
What a great day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Kindness and Care

This month, the value our class focused on was Kindness and Care.  Maryam A presented the glogster presentation below.  I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, May 7, 2012


Omar A. was the ambassador for the month of April!  This month's value was respect.  Here is the presentation he put together to teach our class all about how to show respect.  Be sure you check out the video.  Our class loved it!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Kindness and Care

Our final Value of the Month trait is Kindness and Care.  Please help our ambassadors, Meha and Maryam, to come up with inspiration for their Glogster presentations on this topic!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Observing and Labeling Leaves

Fifth Grade Orange had a great time looking for these leaves on our playground and analyzing them using "techie" tools.  Below you can see how the students used an iPad app called Skitch to label the 3 main types of leaves. Each are characterized by the number of main veins used to transport water and nutrients to leaf.

Created By Maryam K.

Created By  Maryam A.

Created By Barien

Problem Solving with iPads

For one of our projects, the students used an iPad app for Singapore Math Bar Models.

We wrote our own complex, multi-step word problems and then used the iPad app to create a visual representation of our bar models.

Here are some of our favorites!  Enjoy!

Created By Maryam K.

Created By Barien

Created By Mohamed

Created By Meha

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Respect is the Value of the Month

Here is our class Wallwisher brainstorm for the month of April.  The value of the month is Respect.  Please add a sticky note to help Omar A. come up with his presentation on Respect.  Thank you!

Friday, March 9, 2012

What is Generosity?

This month, our Ambassador to Lunch Bunch is Meha. Please help her with her project by adding some comments to our Wallwisher!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Value of the Month: Fairness and Justice

Maryam K was our Ambassador for the month of January for Fairness and Justice. She made a wonderful presentation using Glogster... and I forgot to post it! Sorry, Maryam! Thanks for being so patient! I hope you all agree with me that her Glog was worth the wait. Check it out below!

Commitment is the Value of the Month of February!

Please post a sticky and help our class and our Ambassador of the month, Grace, come up with ideas for her presentation on Commitment! Thanks!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Native American Presentations

Our class has been working for the past month on creating presentation slides to teach others about some early Native American tribes. Our focus was on understanding how geography and location affect each tribe. We also learned about some of the customs and folklore associated with the tribes and the structure of their system of government and economy. You can see what the students learned by viewing the slide shows below. To meet our technology integration goals, we used Google documents to take notes on our assigned area/region. Next, we collaborated within our specific Native American groups to design slide shows using Google Presentation. Finally, each group searched Google Images to locate a variety of pictures to help our readers visualize the content. We created hyperlinks within our presentations to the images so that we could practice that skill, as well as share them with our viewers. The students presented the presentations in class, listened to constructive feedback from their peers, and then made their final edits.

We are pleased to share our final presentations with you. We hope you enjoy the slide shows and please leave us some feedback by commenting below!

5th Grade Orange

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Value of the Month For January - Fairness and Justice

Help our Ambassador, Maryam K. come up with ideas for her presentation about Fairness and Justice by adding a sticky note to the Wallwisher below! Thanks!